
Website Redesign- WordPress
screenshot of original homepage of website
screenshot of home page of Shalimar Pointe Tennis Club
screen shot of Shalimar Tennis webpage


This project redesigns a preexisting website for a private athletic club in Shalimar, Florida – Shalimar Pointe Tennis Club.


The Club desired a more contemporary-looking site; the initial site did not currently represent the Club’s vision or contain current information.

The site’s overall feel mimics the tennis court’s flat lines. An original painting of the Club inspired.

The target audience includes Club members over 60. It also reaches vacationers and tennis players visiting the Emerald Coast.


The initial site displayed a classic yet older website appearance. The new site utilizes blocks of color and icons for page redirection. The site is simple in appearance but effectively communicates essential information.

The site features an embedded weather application, a current social media feed, call-to-action buttons, downloadable membership forms, Google Maps with street view, and an up-to-date calendar.

The client’s most important concern was easily featuring a real-time court status. The live Facebook Feed gives them a quick option to inform the players.

Must Haves

Important sections of the website were to list available amenities, location, contact information, upcoming events, court status, league signups, and classes offered.

The Club manager also wanted staff to update the site as weather conditions change.


Club members with private hosting designed the original website. After transferring the site to a new web host, a website builder allows staff to make site updates easily.

Currently, maintenance is by Club Management.

Take Aways

Consider your audience- the group of people that will be visiting the website. From this determination, the viewer can make a better scope of design choices regarding typography, color, and prominent items for display.

Older website visitors may benefit from using larger fonts and good color contrast so that the website may draw vacationers to an exciting and well-kept facility through vibrant colors. Including important court status gives tennis players the most current status of the court conditions.

Start the design process by researching who will view your site and what makes them tick.